Lucinda Cross is the author of Corporate Mom Dropouts. Recently, she gave a teleseminar on Balancing the Supermom Act for The Mom Entrepreneur Online Support Group. This event had a record sign up. Seems this is a very hot topic amongst mom entrepreneurs!
If you were not able to attend the live event, you can download the podcast at this link...>
This week, Lucinda shares her last two tips with us for Balancing the Supermom Act:
- Stay focused, and don’t get sidetracked: There are only 24 hours in a day. There is also a price to pay for spending too much time on one activity, which can limit your ability to do other things. It is important to focus on the fact that success is equal to results, not effort. Avoid spending time on an activity that is personally satisfying, but not driving the results you want.
- Just say NO: You will cure some of your frustration and burn out by just giving simple answers without elaborating why YES or why NO. Try it for one week without using the words "Maybe", "I might", or "I will see what I can do". This helps avoid the pressure of feeling obligated or frustrated to commit to someone. Learn to make quick decisions and say "Yes" or "No" instead. Don't elaborate or give extensive reasons for your decision. A simple "No, I can’t do that at this time" is enough. In the end, you will feel emotionally free without having to fit in yet another activity, conversation or event you were not that interested in anyhow.
I am very grateful to Lucinda for taking the time to offer us valuable tips over the three blog posts we have written, and for the live teleseminar she gave.
For more information about Lucinda or Corporate Mom Dropouts, visit www.corporatemomdropouts.com/. You can also learn more by watching her recent ABC News video.