TME: What is the concept behind Corporate Mom Dropouts?
On December 8th from 1:00 - 2:00pm EST, The Mom Entrepreneur will host Lucinda for a teleseminar entitled Balancing the Supermom Act: tips and techniques for getting more done, spending more time with family and achieving more.
This is a FREE event for moms who do everything themselves, won't seek needed assistance, refuse to delegate assignments, are overwhelmed juggling family and business, and who are experiencing "Burn Out" or “Melt Down”.
After interviewing over 200 moms, Lucinda has come up with some of the most interesting ways Supermoms can fly and create a life that operates the way they want it to.
5 Tips for Balancing the Supermom Act - By Lucinda Cross
- Identify where you want to be: The most important thing is to know what you want and where you want to be. Think about the end result. If you have a clear identified target of desire to succeed, you can walk that path with confidence. But you must know where you want to be and what does that vision look like. (Create a vision board.)
- Work your super star pitch: Know that you have 20 seconds to make a wow impression, but first things first. Always mention: who you are, what you do, and what type of industry your in. Add in some personality so that the person your talking to feels your passion. Be able to describe who you are and what you do in the time it takes to ride an elevator.
- Develop a clear strategy: Strategy is one of the steps in the planning process and success cycle. The sequence in creating a clear strategy is having a Vision, Mission, and Goals. Take a look at your business model and write down what worked and what did not work. Then list the things you have not tried and combine that list with your "this worked" list. Begin to craft an execution strategy plan and be deliberate in your actions.
- Refuse to lower your standards: Many times we lower and drop the value of our personal and professional goals and values in exchange for something or a project that requires more commitment or more sacrifice for less value. Understand your value and refuse to lower your standards if it is not a win-win situation.
- Realize your purpose and understand that its not about you: You are in business to service others, this is not about you and how you feel, its about creating that ultimate experience for your clients and prospects. What is your purpose and how is it fulfilling the needs of others? How does your product or service make others feel? What problem is it really solving besides for example (saving them time, creating a brand, marketing their service or etc...)?
Stay tuned for more tips on Balancing the Supermom Act next week and for details on a great giveaway from Lucinda at Corporate Mom Dropouts.
For more information about Lucinda or Corporate Mom Dropouts, visit www.corporatemomdropouts.com/.
Lucinda will also be appearing live on ABC News on Friday, 11/13 at 9:30am EST. To watch, please visit: http://abcnews.go.com/abcnewsnow/.