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Lemons to lemonade feature #21: Kristi Jensen

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Mom entrepreneur Kristi Jensen started selling Stampin’ Up! products and conducting workshops in 2004 as a way to meet new people. In May of this year, she hosted a Pampered Chef products party and had a great turnout. She decided to sell their products as well.

Kristi, mother of two, admits she has been lucky to find a career that affords her time with her kids and has not been affected as much by the economy. She has witnessed friends and clients have their homes foreclosed upon, so she understands the true devastation this economy has caused for some. Here is her story...

How has this economy affected you, your business and your family?
As I look around our neighborhood, evidence of the financial and real estate crisis is commonplace. I’ve seen friends and clients leave our neighborhood because their homes have been foreclosed upon, others have even moved out of state, and most are watching the values of their homes continue to drop.

The economy has affected me, my business and my family in ways that many probably would not expect. Oddly enough, business has never been better. My family and I have been impacted as I struggle to keep up with the business aspects of paperwork, following up, delivering orders, coming up with creative ideas for both businesses, and of course, be a wife and mother. I’ve made it my personal goal to make sure my kids and family takes priority despite running a couple of side businesses.

How are you making lemonade from lemons?
In an attempt to grow my businesses, I’ve tried to use the down turned economy to my benefit. People are eating at home more and trying to save money. The Pampered Chef offers a wide variety of budget-friendly recipes that help feed a family conveniently and affordably. I average three parties a month and I am putting together a “Cooking Club” of 10-12 women.

My Stampin’ Up! clientele are finding value in making cards, projects, scrapbooking and home decor. This is an activity they enjoy and they save money since they do not have to purchase at the store. There is great satisfaction that comes with creating and personalizing one’s own cards, gifts, etc. Another observation is that my workshops are as much a social outlet as it is creating or sampling great products.

Once a month I host a Stampin’ Up! club at my home that consists of 26 ladies that come to produce three homemade cards, and I’ve started to put together another club of 10-12 more.

Any encouraging words you would like to offer mom entrepreneurs?
You can get out of your business what you are willing to put into it. Many times it has been a humbling experience. When your business starts to take off it is so rewarding. In order to make money it takes action and dedication. If you have a vision of how you want to run your business, don’t settle until you can get there!

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