They have decided to have a raffle in order to generate a little extra needed income. If you can help, please purchase a ticket for $5.00 (or five for $20.00), which will give you a chance to win the following great prizes:
Prize #1
Issey Miyake women’s gift set
Issey Miyake Men’s gift set
Antica Murina murano heart necklace
Valued at: $225
Prize #2
Tous PerfumeClarins Body set that includes: Baume Hydrant Relaxing Body Balm
Total Lift Manicure Cellulite Cream
Stretch Mark Control
EP3 Screen SprayThomas Sabo Pink
Heart Necklace
Valued at: $375
Prize #3
Baby Genius
DVD Baby Animals
CD Favorite Sing-a-longs, Favorite Nursery Rhyming Songs
Valued at: $25
Tickets are $5 each or five for $20.
The raffle will end on August 17th and the winners will be chosen at random in a live drawing, which will be broadcast on u-stream on August 18th. A link for viewing will be sent a few days before the drawing.
100% of all earnings will be used by Are You Kidding, Inc. in order to help them get a patent for their product and upgrade their website.
We are also running a contest: Whoever sells the most raffle tickets will win a 119 X 119 pixel button ad (supplied by winner) on AreYouKidding.net for one month as well as a regular member spot in The Mom Entrepreneur Holiday Co-op Shop (launching in mid-September). When a raffle ticket is purchased through PayPal, the buyer will be asked who referred them. This information will be tracked and the winner will receive the ad on the website and in the co-op shop for their efforts.
For more information, and to purchase raffle tickets, please click here...>Thank you so much for your support and for believing in the creativity of mom entrepreneurs. Are You Kidding? is looking forward to continuing to bring laughs and smiles to your family!