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Mompreneurs: Real Life Wonder Women (part 3)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Guest blogger: Christine Janssen (written with Erin Higgins), denken Research & Consulting - This is part 3 of a 6 part article on "mompreneurs". If you prefer to download this article in its entirety, click here...>

A Day in the Life of a Mompreneur

Earlier this year, March (2008), we at denken Research & Consulting conducted a brief qualitative study to uncover some of the greatest challenges that mompreneurs face. Our objective was to uncover challenges, gather advice and resources, and then share our findings with other mompreneurs so they too can successfully manage multiple roles. Participants were recruited from Ladies Who Launch (, a nation-wide organization that supports women entrepreneurs. In-depth telephone interviews lasting approximately 60 minutes were conducted with select participants who qualified as mompreneurs.

The participants represented a variety of industries from around the country and were at various stages of mompreneurship. Some of them were new to motherhood with a newborn at home; others were a little more seasoned with up to five children. Some were more experienced entrepreneurs with businesses existing for up to five years; others had just started their businesses within the last six months, and one woman was still in the midst of launching. Despite the fact that there was great diversity within the group, plenty of common scenarios and challenges surfaced. Here’s what we found.

Oftentimes, it was the transformation to motherhood that sparked ideas for new products/services and ultimately inspired these women to launch a new business. These days, if women can’t find what they want on the market, they take it upon themselves to create it with the hope that other mothers will benefit. These are true entrepreneurs as they are developing products that fulfill a need and/or solve a real problem. This was a common thread with the women we interviewed. Many of their businesses were created to improve or simplify their lives – or their children’s lives – since they became wives and mothers. Ideas ranged from managing lifestyle changes to designing and selling organic baby clothing and products to developing fashionable and functional maternity wear. As Susan Mussaffi, mom extraordinaire of four and owner of Organic Cottontail ( discovered, “when you’re aware of the desire, opportunities start presenting themselves.”

When asked to explain a day in the life of a mompreneur, we found these women to be extremely organized and they crammed an incredible amount of tasks into each day, constantly swapping hats. Most do this methodically; seamlessly switching from “mom mode” to “work mode.” While each woman had her own unique schedule, their priorities were the same: kids come first, then business, then other obligations. When describing themselves and how they manage their day, they made a clear differentiation of when they were in “mom mode” versus “work mode.”

Although some of the interviewees admitted to occasionally questioning what the heck they were doing and how they were going to stay afloat, they continue to be encouraged by an inner voice and of course the thrill of small accomplishments. Signing on a new client or finally grasping the ins and outs of SEO were positive reinforcements that they were moving in the right direction. In addition to having the support of people who believe in them, having an optimistic attitude and the burning desire to succeed definitely helps keep that spark alive.

[part 4 will be distributed tomorrow]

Christine Janssen is the Founder and President of denken Research & Consulting, a boutique consulting firm in New York, NY that provides end-to-end market research and writing services to small businesses, including start-ups. She is also a Doctoral Candidate at New York University, where she is completing her dissertation on women entrepreneurs.